Shaping the Future of the Agricultural Sector

Press Release: 10th Panhellenic Congress on the Development of Greek Agriculture
The Digital Transformation of the Primary Sector
Digital Workshop on food security, organized by GAIA EPICHEIREIN
Carbon Farming Summit, Thessaloniki, 21-22/10/2022
Regional events CAP 2023 - 2027
Digital Workshop “Producer Organisations”
In 2014 a pioneering venture was launched in Greece: a powerful alliance between the primary, banking and technology sectors, represented respectively by 71 agricultural cooperatives, the Livestock Breeders Association (SEK), the subsidiary of Piraeus Bank Group ‘Excelixi S.A.’, and NEUROPUBLIC S.A., one of the leading Informatics & Technology companies in Greece. The very synergies, that we were the first to envision and implement, and our joint strategy, aiming at a more sustainable and competitive national primary sector driven by knowledge and technological innovation, are now, some years later, part of the objectives and tools of the new Common Agricultural Policy. In May 2022, and in order to meet the high demands of CAP 2023-2027, 23 of the largest agricultural advisory service providers in the country joined the coalition.

We are shaping the future of the agricultural sector, based on three strategic priorities:

  • Promoting knowledge and technological innovation, as a tool for economic, environmental and social sustainability
  • Supporting healthy and sustainable entrepreneurship in Greece’s primary sector
  • Cultivating and enhancing cooperation by supporting and strengthening collective schemes in the primary sector, while also developing synergies between all stakeholders involved in the rural economy


Our services are addressed to individual producers, collective primary sector schemes (cooperatives, producer organisations and groups) and agri-food businesses, covering their needs both as regards regulatory compliance with the European and national institutional framework, as well as their sustainable entrepreneurial growth, by utilising all opportunities and financial instruments available.

Digital Tools

The common aspect of all services we provide is technological innovation, through the continuous development of digital tools that are made available to our partners easily, quickly and safely via the mygaia portal, which operates in a cloud environment. These digital tools complement our top-level expertise, strengthen the knowledge and networking of all stakeholders in the primary and broader agri-food sector and have already made the digital transformation of Greek agriculture a reality for thousands of producers and agri-businesses in Greece.