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Anastasios (Anestis) Tripitsidis (MEng | MSc) is a graduate of the Department of Urban Planning and Urban Design. He holds a master’s degree in applied Geography and Spatial Management with specialization in Geoinformatics from the Department of Geography of the Harokopeion University of Athens.

He has experience in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), spatial analysis, spatial database, and infrastructure design, the INSPIRE Community Directive for the harmonization of geographic data, and the technical and financial management for co-funded projects and projects at a national and international level.

As of September 2024, he is the CEO of GAIA EPICHEIREIN.

In November 2021, he was appointed Director of Project Management (European and National) of NEUROPUBLIC and GAIA EPICHEIREIN, which includes OPEKEPE projects and Rural Development Programmes.

His previous professional experience includes six (6) years as a Specialist in Geospatial Information Systems and Remote Sensing at EPSILON, where he managed projects and coordinated proposals. He then worked for five (5) years with the National Observatory of Athens (BEYOND - Centre of EO Research & Satellite Remote Sensing) having the role of Scientific Project Management Associate, during which time, he coordinated the submission of numerous proposals and managed demanding co-funded projects and contracts (ESA, JRC, ADB, WB).

In total, he has more than 15 years of experience in project management of both EU co-funded and international contracts.

He is distinguished for his diligence, professionalism, confidentiality, and excellent cooperation with all managers and staff of the companies he works with. He combines knowledge, experience, and the ability to manage human resources and coordinate and execute demanding projects he undertakes while demonstrating excellent communication skills, ensuring respect and recognition of his skills and qualifications.

BoD & Partners