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CAP & Young Farmers | COOPinCAP Information Shot #4

Did you know that:

A young farmer up to 40 years old can be subsidised from €30,000 to €44,000?

A condition of the subsidy is that the initial production capacity must be increased by at least 20% by:

  • increasing the area cultivated or the livestock, or
  • by restructuring the farm

The subsidy concerns the first agricultural establishment of the young farmer applicant.

The financing instrument of the Rural Development Programme – Intervention P3-75.1 ‘Setting up of young farmers’ is a support measure for newcomer farmers.

The European Union supports young farmers through the Common Agricultural Policy.

For more information: (in Greek):

GAIA EPICHEIREIN implements the informational activity in the context of the COOPinCAP “Cooperation for sustainable agriculture“, with the support of the Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Commission