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Ενεργοποίηση με κλειδάριθμο

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Rural Development Programme (RDP)

The 2ndPillar of the CAP provides for the support of agricultural development through multiannual, co-financed programmes, known as Rural Development Programmes (RDP).

Our consulting and technical support services in the framework of the implementation of the Rural Development measures of the Greek CAP Strategic Plan follow the six (6) axes below:

  • Creation of a network of partners and bodies for the implementation of measures, firstly through the agronomists of the collaborating Farmers’ Service Centres (FSCs) across the country, and then with the involved institutional bodies, such as the Ministry of Rural Development and Food (MINAGRIC), the Greek Payment Authority for community aid (OPEKEPE), and the relevant Managing Authority. Our ultimate goal is the two-way dissemination of information by institutional bodies to the FSCs to be utilised by producers, and from the FSCs to institutional bodies (e.g. through participation in consultations regarding RDP measures, etc.),
  • Provision of continuous updates and documentation to our partners as regards the systematic monitoring and analysis of the current institutional framework, at European and national level, through the preparation of briefing notes, RDP implementation guides etc.
  • Continuous training of agronomists and producers by organising regular seminars across the country,
  • Continuous and substantial communication with and support of agronomists partnered with the FSCs in every way possible: through on-site training at our offices or at the FSCs local offices, through effective telephone support services, through a thorough examination of business plans for the identification of any omissions/errors, and by electronic means, through the special online forum GAIA Net or by e-mail.
  • Development of digital tools aiming to maximise the effectiveness of the submitted proposals. To that end, applications have been developed for the calculation of credit points and proposal submissions, for the submission of aid applications, as well as networking tools, such as HELPDESK, which contribute to our partners receiving timely and valid information on a broad range of issues,
  • Collaboration with a broad range of entities for the provision of integrated services to interested producers and entrepreneurs, such as certification bodies (TÜV AUSTRIA, HELLAS COSMOCERT, TÜV HELLAS), as well as external partners for cases where additional expertise is required.

Our involvement in Rural Development measures consulting and technical support is very popular among Greece’s agricultural community trusting us, thanks to our top-level policy awareness and expertise, broad experience, and efficiency. Through the suitable structures we have developed and the specialised tools that contribute to our partners receiving timely and reliable updates, we have provided support to thousands of producers, agri-cooperatives and agri-food businesses for the successful implementation and conclusion of their relevant supported activities.